Southern Vampire Mysteries
Southern Vampire Mysteries

Jack Leeds is a human private investigator in "The Southern Vampire Mysteries". Acting on behalf of the Pelt Family, who are in the search of their first adopted daughter, Jack Leeds is mentioned as being 'far too thorough' and noticing the inconstancies in peoples behavior. It is implied that he has a fair amount of tact. He is married to Lily Leeds.


The Leeds are mentioned in Definitely Dead as having given up the search for Debbie Pelt so's not to be fleecing the Pelts. In Dead Reckoning, Mr. Cataliades sends the Leeds to Bon Temps to tell Sookie Stackhouse that Sandra Pelt is out of jail and wants Sookie dead. Along with Terry Bellefleur, Sam Merlotte, and Jannalynn they take down four thugs hired by Sandra to kill Sookie at Merlotte's.
